Monday, April 29, 2013

Cradle Mountain – Lake St Claire National Park

Cradle Mountain – Lake St Claire National Park is part of the larger Tasmanian World Heritage Area. 

Mountain peaks, dank gorges, pristine lakes, tarns and wild moorlands extend triumphantly from the Great Western Tiers in the north to Derwent Bridge on the Lyell Hwy in the South.

Cradle Mountain, in the north of the park, is 85km from Devonport and 181km Launceston. Lake St Clair, in the south is 180 km from both Hobart and Launceston.

Cradle Mountain was first climbed by an Austrian, Gustav Weindorfer, 1910.The national park was declared through his efforts.

Cradle Mountain has an extraordinary range of wildlife.
Cradle Mountain – Lake St Claire National Park

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