Heliconia is the only genus in the plant family Heliconiaceae, which is a member of the order Zingiberales (earlier called the Scitamineae). Heliconia Flower or Lobster-Claw is a native mostly to Central and South America. A few species are found in the South Pacific Islands.
There are likely 200 to 250 named varieties. This is a family of medium to large herbaceous perennials. The leaves of this plant are paddle-shaped, and they are related to the banana family.
Heliconia humilis
They flourish in humid lowland tropics and are quite common in rainforests. It has been widely cultivated as a garden plant. Heliconias are sometimes called “lobster claws” or “parrot flowers”, because of their beak-like “bracts” which can be orange, purple, red, yellow, pink, green or a combination of these.
Heliconia Flower in Amazon rainforest