Friday, May 24, 2013

Conifers forest

Coniferous means the trees have cones, so called because they are shaped like a geometric cone.

One end of a cone is typically a bit smaller while the other flares out like a three-dimensional triangle.

There are about 630 species of conifers world-wide. A continuous continental distribution of conifers is found in Eurasia, North America and in Mountainous regions.

The most common are pines, spruces and firs – the evergreen generally thought of as Christmas trees. 

Conifers are one of the world’s most important resources of timber.

Hemisphere, these resources are vast and will, if managed wisely and used sustainably, provide wood for a multitude of purposes virtually indefinitely.

Taiga is a coniferous forest chiefly found in the northern temperate one. Conifers are well adapted to an environment so cold that water is usually frozen throughout the winter. Conifers retain their leaves which are adapted to conserve water.

Conifers also dominate temperate lowlands along the Pacific coast from Alaska into northern Californian.
Conifers forest

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