Saturday, March 14, 2015

Poplar tree (Populus balsamifera L)

Other name for balsam poplar: cottonwood, tacamahac, tacamahac poplar; Populus tacamahaca Mill. The trees are dioecious, that is they have either male catkins or female catkins, which are wind pollinated.

Balsam poplar is a short-lived (120 years), medium-sized deciduous tree usually 20 to 25 m tall, with straight trunk 10 to 30 cam in diameter and long, thin, open crown, sometimes a large tree 24 to 30 m tall and 60 cm in trunk diameter.

The bark of mature balsam poplar trees was used by some native peoples for making buckets and other containers and the aromatics gum from the buds was used as glue.

The mass of fluffy hairs form the female catkins when fruiting was used as stuffing for pillows.

Balsam poplar has the distinction of occurring farther north in North America than any other tree species, occurring as distinct stands in river drainages on the Alaskan North Slope.
Poplar tree (Populus balsamifera L)

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