Monday, May 5, 2014

Green Park, London

London’s royal parks are often busy affairs, filled with flowerbeds, statues, ponds, playgrounds and more. 

Like St. James’s park, Green Park was reclaimed from the marshy meadows that surrounded the Tyburn River as it made its way south to the Thames.

Covering 19 hectares, it lies between London’s Hyde Park and St. James’s Park.

Originally purchased by Henry VIII for enclosed grazing and hunting, the land was made into a formal park in 1667. It was opened to the public in 1826.

It became favorite place for duels, lovers’ trysts, parades, ballooning, and people watching.

Green Park has no lakes, no buildings and few monuments, having only the Canada Memorial by Pierre Granche and the Constance Fund Fountain. The park consists entirely of wooded meadows.

The grass in Green Park is the best in London. With its splendid trees and lack of artificial ornamentation it comes closest to the sylvan-meadow ideal of a great city park.
Green Park, London

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