Thursday, September 3, 2020

Freshwater swamp forest

The freshwater swamp forests are moist forests found in freshwater environments. Though they are found in tropical rainforest regions, its species diversity is varied from that of the lowland forests (which supports a higher diversity of plant species) on account of constraints in dispersal, germination and establishment, due to its seasonal extremes.

The forests are wetland ecosystems of global importance, especially because they provide very valuable ecosystem services such as regulation of flood and maintenance of water quality, and provide suitable habitat for the conservation of wetland ecosystems (flora and fauna).

Freshwater swamp forest can be broadly characterized as forest that is subjected to flooding with relatively mineral-rich fresh water.

As tropical freshwater swamp forest is a formation of tropical rainforest, several environmental conditions are common between freshwater swamp forests and other tropical rainforest formations (e.g. high humidity levels and solar irradiance).

Within the ecosystem, the flora is equally varied according to site conditions, inundation and floral history, disturbance regimes, land use and water quality. Freshwater swamp forests have several sources of water, including rain, rivers, and groundwater.

Freshwater swamp forests generally develop behind the mangrove forest on deltas with high sediment inflow, such as the Mekong and Chao Phraya deltas.

Freshwater swamp forest soils are relatively nutrient-rich, unlike ombrotrophic swamp forests, which receive nutrients solely via rain. In freshwater swamp forests, nutrients and alluvial soils are subsequently deposited within the forest via rain and water table fluctuations.
Freshwater swamp forest

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